2007년 6월 9일 토요일

research paper

Have you ever thought about your future career? In these days, people search for their jobs that they desire and are suitable for them enthusiastically. My goals keep on changing and will change even after I get a job. Articulate newscaster is what I am aiming for in these days. As I researched about this job, announcers looked appealing to me. Newscasters appear to be one of the honorable jobs. I think news casting goes well with my interests, my personality, and my values.

Defining me is tough even though it seems to be not difficult at all. I was born to a businesswoman and a professor. I love to socialize with others and I am confident in giving speeches in front of people. I think these are possible through the career I chose. My father is a professor in a college, whose job is speaking in front of people. Since I was young, my dad thought me how to make speeches. Having confidence is what he always emphasized the most as a talented speaker.

Since my personality is one of the factors that help to determine my career, I think it is meaningful to know who I am, and what my strengths and weaknesses are. According to Please Understand Me II by David Keirsey, my results were the “Supervisor” and the “Provider”: “Sociable and civic-minded, Supervisors are usually pillars of their community” (Keirsey 2). I was the vice president of our school in fifth grade and the president in sixth grade. I am easy to get to know because I always smile to others (Keirsey 4). The “Provider”: “They enjoy socializing and entertaining, and observe all the rituals connected with serving wholesome food and beverages” (Keirsey 6). I think it is important to have good relationships with the people that you work with because then it will make you easier to work especially when you have a partner to work with like newscasters.

My top two values are being successful and having a good reputation. Having honor is also integral to my career choice because people may judge you by what job you have. Being successful is the first thing I value in the future. I will feel good about myself when I make my dream come true. Achieving my goal is what I call being successful. My second value is having a good reputation, which I think worth more than money. My father does not earn a lot of money, but he has a good reputation by being a professor. Professors give tips and help the students to live better lives. I admire my father, so I want to be a person like my father in the future.

Announcer is a one of favored jobs in modern society. Among several kinds of enthralling announcers, I want to be a newscaster because that’s what I found the most intriguing. Newscasters are required to have appealing voice and good timing. They also have to have neat appearance (Announcer). The middle fifty percent of newscasters earn between $7.43 and $16.81, the lowest ten percent earn less than $6.16, and the highest ten percent earn more than $27.61 in an hour (Announcer). Newscasters will be competitive because the broadcasting field attracts many jobseekers (Announcer). Since newscasters are favored career in society in these days, I am expecting to challenge against my future rivals and myself.

I interviewed Mr. Lindeman because I know that he is one of the great speakers at TCIS. I asked him questions that may be helpful for me to speak well in public. Newscasters are essential to have outstanding communication skills because this job is all about delivering messages to the public. The question I asked him was what I should improve to be a good speaker and I got an answer, which I didn’t expect: “Get old. It takes years of experience to become a good speaker” (Lindeman). I asked him to recommend me a book that can help me to improve on my communication skills and he answered: “The Seven Habits of Effective People. This isn't a public speaking book. It is a book on becoming a good leader. I don't think you are ready to read a book on public speaking” (Lindeman). I am hoping that this interview with Mr. Lindeman will assist me to enhance my speech skills.

Based on analysis about my interests, my personality, and my values, as well as the characteristics of a newscaster, I found out that a newscaster fits me well. I would like to make this job belong to me. To achieve my goal, I will improve more on my communication skills. I believe that my dream will come true if I do my best. My journey to become a successful newscaster will make me delighted all the time since human beings feel blessed the most when they pursue a great dream.

Works Cited
"Announcers." Occupational Outlook Handbook. 4th March 2007. U.S. Department of Labor. 12 Mar 2007 .

Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II. Del Mar, CA: Prometheus Nemesis Book Company, 1998.
Lindeman, Terry. E-mail Interview. 12th March 2007.

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